Doshas Test

Find out your imbalances through Doshas Test.

Find out your Vikriti

It is Fundamental to Know Your Dosha to Find Out Your Current Imbalance (Your Vikriti).

It is fundamental to know your Dosha to find out your current imbalance (your Vikriti). Answer the questions carefully and think about how you feel lately. Your imbalances can change over time and you can take the quiz again in the future. Answer the questions carefully and quietly, seeking to develop a state of present self-knowledge.

Estimated Time

30 to 40 min

Estimated Duration of Doshas Test

How Does it Work

Answer the statements with rates from

1 to 6

1 and 2 means no

It never happens or rarely happens and does not describe my behavior.

3 and 4 means sometimes

It happens sometimes or with a certain frequency.

5 and 6 means yes

It happens frequently and describes my behavior.

Attention: you need to be very attentive

  • a):
    If the statement is an affirmation and it matches on how you are feeling today, the rates are high: 5 or 6;
  • b):
    If the statement is an affirmation and it does not match on how you are feeling today, the rates are low: 1 or 2;
  • c):
    The intermediate rates (3 and 4) mean “sometimes” – or when the affirmations are not completely true or completely false;
  • c):
    Some statements are, actually, negatives. For example: “I do not tolerate cold weather so well”.


Your results will be the sum of your answers for each Dosha.

Depending on the result, your Dosha will be: Vata, Pitta ou Kapha.

  • Example:
    If the result is 120 for Vata, 95 for Pitta and 70 for Kapha, your current imbalance is more important in Vata, followed by Pitta, demonstrating you have an imbalance Vata-Pitta!

However, your complaints will have a higher relationship with Dosha Vata!

Doshas Test

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