
I am Jennifer Silvestre, Nutritionist, but you can call me Jenni.

My Story

I have a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, in Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a Holistic Nutrition Specialist from American Fitness Professionals and Associates.

I currently live in Texas, United States and I help people to find food balance and awareness through the traditional nutrition science aligned with the alternative science of Ayurveda.


I am certified by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which ensures the full ability to secure all my patients’ medical data.

I believe we nourish our bodies not only with macro and micronutrients, but also with the combination of benefits from modern science and holistic therapy added to every meal.

I am based on the term “Less meat, more nutrients” and I focus on a purer, natural and anti-inflammatory nutrition, providing your body the nutrition needed to have vitality, energy and full health.

I believe in the process of food awareness and not in restrictive diets, as these usually entail a mindset of restriction and deprivation for a certain period, however, it is not effective in a long-term period.


The quote “We are what we eat” has never been so real.

In a world full of fast foods, natural food, healthy ingredients, the food balance and change of habits ends up being the second option for most people.

Based on Ayurveda’s principles, I will understand your story and help you to identify your body biotype (Dosha). I will guide you to start the process of food awareness based on an uncomplicated and easy nutrition with ideal foods for your biotype, acting and preventing possible imbalances in your physiology (diseases).

As a result, I will help you to achieve your health goal, both as corporeal as your well-being, in a simple way without being radical.


Always think: If your nutrition is not balanced, medications will not be effective. However, if your nutrition is balanced, medications will not be necessary.

The purpose of Holistic nutrition by the Method of Food Awareness is to provide balance between body and mind through the food.

Let’s Start?

From now on, be ready for this alternative, efficient and transforming moment in your life.