A tasty and nutritious almond farofa

Jennifer Silvestre


Considered a diet villain, farofa is a good option when prepared with balance and awareness. I present to you, the nutritional almond flour farofa! Tasty and nutritious, almond flour is perfect for your moments of celebration, and for your daily carbohydrate intake. Come on?

Ingredients: 3 cups of almond flour; 1/2 cup of raw cashews; 1/3 cup of sesame; 1/4 cup of black olives; 6 pieces of apricot; 1/2 onion; 2 teaspoons of onion powder; 1/3 cup of green onions; 2 tablespoons of butter.

Toast the cashews with sesame in a spoon of butter, and set aside. Add the other tablespoon of butter to the onion and garlic, until the onion is golden. Add almond flour and toast them. Add the rest of the ingredients.



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