Refreshing Hibiscus with pineapple and mint

Jennifer Silvestre


Discover the recipe that entered the Detox and Hepatic and 7 Weeks of Food Awareness programs: the hibiscus soya with pineapple and mint. Perfect for a deep restoration, hibiscus sucha is a diuretic and helps balance pitta energy during summer. We will?

Ingredients: 1 slice of pineapple; 1/5 of a piece of cucumber; 2 mint leaves; 1 sachet of hibiscus tea diluted in 350 ml of water.

Infuse hibiscus tea in 350 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes, and wait for it to cool. Once it reaches room temperature, add all the ingredients with the tea in the blender. Add ice when blending. Drink without straining.

Enjoy the pineapple peel and boil it, obtaining a diuretic and delicious tea.

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