Corn cake with coconut

Jennifer Silvestre


I remember Sunday afternoons at my grandmother's house when I make this coconut corn cake recipe. Our relationship with food is emotional. Creating a positive relationship with food is one of my goals. Eating is wonderful, and nourishing our body with nutrients is not enough: we also need to nourish our soul with the memories that only good food can provide. Shall we make our grandmothers recipe?

Ingredients: 4 eggs; 3/4 xylitol sweetener, monk fruit or brown sugar; 1 cup of corn flour; 1 cup of coconut milk; 1 can of corn; 100 g of unsweetened shredded coconut; 1/2 cup of coconut oil; 1 teaspoon baking soup.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put all the ingredients in the blender, leaving the coconut and baking powder for last. Add the dough in a shape with a hole in the middle, and take it to the oven for 30 to 35 minutes, approximately.

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