Discover the secrets of a healthy and balanced vegan dish

Jennifer Silvestre


Whenever we talk about a vegan or vegetarian diet, it is important to focus on all the food elements. When you stop eating a food item to lose weight, your food balance can be disrupted, and losing control will be a matter of time.

Knowing the food elements present in a natural meal is the first step. Let's get to know these food elements?

First, the grain and legume family. They include chickpeas, soy, beans, wheat, quinoa or pistachios. Together, they have all the essential amino acids for our body. Forming a meal that contains all the necessary amino acids is essential, and only a nutritionist can help in choosing these elements.

Boiled vegetables are next. Very important, they are where we find the highest density of nutrients and soluble fibers. Always have these food elements in your main meals.

Essential to the body, leafy salads contain a high content of insoluble fibers, which act in satiety. Salads are also sources of minerals and vitamins that provide the proper functioning of the body. It is important to remember that preparing a salad requires careful cleaning of the leaves.

Stay tuned for these tips when preparing your vegan or vegetarian dish.

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