Pumpkin seed and dandelion pesto

Jennifer Silvestre


One of the best ways to prevent premature aging is through a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Perfect to replace traditional pesto, pumpkin seed and dandelion Pesto will take care of our main detox organ: the liver.

With pumpkin seeds, pesto will be rich in fiber and antioxidants, improving brain function and decreasing inflammation in the body. When we add dandelions, we also add dietary fiber and antioxidants, capable of preventing gastrointestinal problems and decreasing heartburn and stomach pain.

Replacing traditional pesto with bobona seed pesto with dandelion will transform the way you create recipes that need pesto pasta. Come on?

Ingredients: 1 handful of fresh dandelion; 1 cup of toasted pumpkin seeds; 1/2 cup fresh and grated parmesan cheese; 2 garlic cloves; 1/4 of olive oil; 1 handful of basil.

Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth. Shelf life of two days in the refrigerator.

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