Autumn calls for a salad with nuts and beets

Jennifer Silvestre


With the dry autumn weather just around the corner, nothing beats a salad with feta cheese in a beetroot base. With oily and moist elements, and a tasty dressing, the salad with walnuts and beetroot will be the great sensation of the season. Come on?

Ingredients: 1 beet; 1/2 cup diced feta cheese; 1/4 cup of walnuts; 10 large mint leaves; 5 cups of arugula; (sauce) Juice of 1 lemon; 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 dessert spoon of honey; 1/2 teaspoon of salt; 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper.

Add the sauce ingredients to a pan and stir until heated through to taste, and set aside. Cut the beets into cubes and cook. Cut the remaining ingredients into cubes and cut the mint leaves. In a bowl, add the mint leaves and mix with the arugula leaves. Add the sauce and stir to distribute the flavor over all the leaves. Add the beets, feta cheese and walnut

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