Cardiovascular tonic with cocoa and vanilla

Jennifer Silvestre


How about a vanilla tea for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system? With cocoa nibs and rooibos, cardiovascular tonic with cocoa and vanilla has antioxidant flavonols and cocoa magnesium, which reduce oxidative stress that worsens osteosclerosis and platelet formation.

Acting in improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure, rooibos is rich in polyphenol and anthocyanin antioxidants, which act in the oxidative reduction of cholesterol. Come on?

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of rooibos; 1 teaspoon of cocoa nibs; 1/4 of dehydrated vanilla unit; 1 to 2 glasses of boiling water.

Add the vanilla in smaller pieces along with the cocoa, and pour the boiling water over the ingredients. Cover and let rest for 15 to 30 minutes. Be careful not to exceed the time, or the tea will become bitter and less flavorful (due to the cocoa).

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