Chocolate and strawberry peanut pie with 6 ingredients

Jennifer Silvestre


A pie is always a complicated recipe. Right? Wrong. With just 6 ingredients, you can surprise everyone with a chocolate and strawberry peanut pie. Come on?

Ingredients: 3 cups of crushed peanuts; 1/2 cup maple syrup or molasses; 1/2 cup of cocoa powder; 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips; 1 cup of coconut milk; 2 glasses of strawberry.

Mix the crushed peanuts in a bowl with the cocoa and maple syrup or molasses. With your hands, stir and distribute on a removable background form. Melt the chocolate with the coconut milk to start preparing the topping. Place over the dough. Place in the fridge for approximately 20 minutes and decorate with sliced strawberries.


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