Good chocolate cinnamon aphrodisiac for a sweeter life

Jennifer Silvestre


Did you know that chocolate increases blood flow in our body? That cinnamon improves erectile function and lubricates the body? That nutmeg also favors the libido by stimulating the nervous system?

What happens when we combine all these ingredients into a delicious aphrodisiac bonbon? I'll give you a tip: everything to happen.

Harness the aphrodisiac power of chocolate, cinnamon and nutmeg to create a true love potion for your perfect match.

Ingredients: 1 strawberry unit; 1 spoon of crushed peanuts; 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips; 1 pinch of nutmeg; 1 pinch of cinnamon.

Melt the chocolate and add the other ingredients with the chocolate to a chocolate mold with the strawberries, covering the strawberry with the chocolate and the ingredients. Place in the freezer for three minutes, and set aside.

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