Hypoglycemic blueberry tea for diabetics? Yea!

Jennifer Silvestre


Did you know that over 34 million people have diabetes in the United States alone? One in 5 people who have diabetes have not yet discovered they have developed the disease. A balanced diet rich in fiber and low in saturated fat is the first step in preventing diabetes. Some herbs can help us to prevent or treat diabetes. Healthy eating is the solution.

Blueberries and bilberry leaves are also an outlet. Acting as a hypoglycemic herb (like insulin), the leaves of blueberries and bilberry help in the beta cell regeneration process and in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Ingredients: 1 dessert spoon of dried blueberry leaves; 1 teaspoon of dried hibiscus leaves; 1 pinch of cinnamon powder; 1 cup of boiling water.

Add the boiling water over the herbs with the cinnamon powder. Cover the container and let it rest for seven minutes. Strain and drink immediately after main meals.

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