Increase your daily fiber intake with the high-fiber veggie wrap

Jennifer Silvestre


A fiber-rich diet is key for anyone who wants to take care of their physiology. A high-fiber diet is beneficial for those who want to lose weight, and it is preventive for those who want to avoid cancers and inflammatory diseases. With black beans and sprouted grain tortillas, the high-fiber veggie wrap will fit like a glove for anyone who needs to increase their daily fiber intake. Come on?

Ingredients: 1 ezekiel tortilla unit; 1 dessert spoon of hummus; 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt; 1/4 hass avocado; 3 tablespoons of black bean beans; cherry tomatoes to taste; Pea sprouts to taste (or another leaf of your choice).

Heat the ezekiel tortilla on both sides in a skillet. When assembling, first spread the hummus over the tortilla and add layers of avocado, beans, cherry tomatoes, sprouts and yogurt sauce over the sprouts. Wrap in wrap format.

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