Invigorating sicilian lemon mousse

Jennifer Silvestre


Originating in southern Italy, lemons contain pectin fibers, which lower blood sugar levels. Cardioprotective, Sicilian lemon has a large amount of vitamin C, potassium and vitamin b6, which helps in the production of energy for the body. It fights anemia and prevents the formation of kidney stones through citric acid, and improves digestion through carbohydrates in the form of soluble fiber.

Now that we know the benefits of Sicilian lemon, how about an invigorating Sicilian lemon mousse? Come on.

Ingredients: Juice of 2 Sicilian lemons; 1/4 cup maple syrup — or other source of sugars; 1 cup of cashew nuts; 1 cup of soft tofu; 1/4 cup of chestnut milk or other plant-based milk; Lemon zest.

Add the ingredients in the blender and take it to the fridge, letting it rest for 30 minutes. Serve with lemon zest.

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