Mediterranean cauliflower and feta cheese dip

Jennifer Silvestre


Perfect for meetings and dinners, the mediterranean cauliflower feta cheese dip is an appetizer and the center of your guest's attention

Ingredients: 2 cups cooked cauliflower; 1 cup feta cheese; 1/2 cup of cashew nut cream or vegan cream cheese — or traditional if desire. Topping ingredients: 1 tablespoon extra-Virgen olive oil, 1.4 cup whole garlic, black and green olives and cherry tomatoes to taste; salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix all the topping ingredients in a bowl and bake in a pre-heated oven for approximately 10-15 minutes. Add the cauliflower, feta cheese, and cream cheese with 1 tablespoon olive oil to a food processor and blend it well. Add the toppings on top the dip and drizzle with a little olive oil. Finish with the green onion to taste.

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