Optimize nutrients in tomatoes with a burrata recipe

Jennifer Silvestre


Higher concentrations of the antioxidant lycopene are found in cooked tomatoes, optimizing nutrient bioavailability. A mozzarella and tomato burrata is the perfect recipe to activate the tomato's antioxidants and enjoy the taste of mozzarella. Come on?

Ingredients: 300g of cherry tomatoes; 1 dessert spoon of olive oil; 1 teaspoon of oregano; salt and pepper to taste; 1 unit of fresh mozzarella (230g); canned or regular balsamic vinegar; and basil leaves.

Mix the cherry tomatoes with the garlic milk in a bowl, and add the oregano, salt and pepper. Bake in the oven on the golden option for approximately 20 minutes. Slice the mozzarella into five thick slices. Once the tomatoes are ready, add the mozzarella and add the balsamic vinegar and basil.

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