Red quinoa salad with arugula

Jennifer Silvestre


Some recipes are so popular that they have become a routine in the diet, and I can say that the red quinoa salad with arugula has become a must for some time in my food routine.

Balanced and healthy, the red quinoa salad with arugula contains the good fat of the chestnut, the sweet taste of the dehydrated apricot, the raw and astringent leaves of the arugula, the citrus of the lemon and the carbohydrate, the protein and the fibers of the quinoa, allowing that quinoa salad has many food elements. Come on?

Ingredients: 5 tablespoons of red quinoa; 2 tablespoons of steamed corn; 2 tablespoons of cashew nuts; 5 units of dried apricot; Green leaves to taste — I used arugula; (sauce) Juice of half a lemon; 1 teaspoon of mustard; 1 dessert spoon of olive oil; 1 dessert spoon of balsamic oil; 1 teaspoon of honey.

Add the arugula, quinoa, corn, chestnuts and chopped apricots to a bowl. Mix all the dressing ingredients in another bowl, and pour over the salad. Consume immediately.


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