The power of plants in Jenni’s vegan treat

Jennifer Silvestre


Since I started my personal and professional journey towards a balanced diet based on the principles of ayurveda, I have noticed a change in my health and in my habits. I believe in Balance and Mindful Eating, and I confess it took me awhile to acquire some healthy habits.

Start today, tomorrow or later, it doesn't matter: the important thing is to start and to not stop. How about starting today with a vegan treat recipe? It will be faster and easier than you think.

Ingredients: 1 cup finely dehydrated grated coconut; 1 cup dates — soak in hot water for five minutes and drain; 1/4 cup cocoa powder; 2 tbs almond butter or peanut butter; 2 tbs goji berries; 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; (topping) 50g dark vegan chocolate chips; 4 tbs coconut milk; and 1 tbs grated coconut.

Add the dates, peanut butter and vanilla to the food processor until it forms a dough. Add the coconut and mix well. Pour the dough into a pan. Melt the chocolate with the coconut milk in a bowl in the microwave and pour all over the dough. Add shredded coconut on top and let it rest in the fridge for an hour. Cut into rectangles.

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