Vegan chickpea and quinoa pie

Jennifer Silvestre


Grains are food that is dense in nutritional value because they are high in fiber. Fiber helps reduce insulin spikes which promotes a better use of glucose in cells and makes you feel full! They are great for anyone who is on a weight loss journey.

Ingredients: (dough) 2 cups cooked chickpeas; 1/4 cup cooked quinoa; 1 tsp olive oil; salt and spices to taste; (filling) 1 tsp ground garlic; 1 tsp olive oil; 1 cup chopped hearts of palm; 1 cup corn; 1/4 cup of vegan cream cheese (or regular one if desire); 3 tablespoons chopped green onions; dry seasonings to taste.

Add all the dough ingredients in a food processor and thoroughly mix the dough. Distribute the dough into the four small dishes, reserving 1/3 of the dough for the topping.

Start cooking the filling ingredients by sautéing the garlic and adding the corn, the hearts of palm and letting it cook for a 2-3 minutes. Add cream cheese and green onions last. Finally, add the filling in the dishes and cover the tartlets.

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