Who can resist roasted plantain gnocchi?

Jennifer Silvestre


There are always balanced and healthy alternatives for that dish you love: and I love pasta and bread! One of my favorite recipes is the plantain gnocchi. Unlike traditional starch, plantains are rich in resistant starch, which is not fully absorbed by the intestine. Serving as a dietary fiber, resistant starch helps the gut produce butyrate, which helps with immunity and fighting systemic inflammation. Come on?

Ingredients: 2 underripe plantains; 2 tablespoons of grated mozzarella cheese or plant-based cheese of your choice; 2 to 3 tablespoons of almond flour; Salt to taste.

Microwave the bananas for 1 minute, or cook them if they are green. Mash the bananas and add the other ingredients, stirring until a malleable dough forms. Divide the dough and make dumplings, cutting the cubes in the shape of the gnocchi. Add the contents to a greased form and brush with avocado oil, with oregano on top. Bake for 10 minutes each side until lightly browned. Serve with your favorite sauce.

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