A morning routine based on Ayurveda príncipes can change your morning forever

Jennifer Silvestre


A balanced morning starts with water, one of the elements of the Pitta dosha.

When you wake up, wash your face and take a shower with fresher water.

Cleaning your tongue is the second most important moment of your morning. According to Ayurveda, all toxins start in the oral cavity. The toxin (ama) can spread throughout your gastrointestinal system after it accumulates, which can cause the digestive fire to weaken, decreasing the absorption of nutrients.

With the cleaning finished, start your day by drinking water. According to ancient Ayurvedic medicine, water is positively charged, and can provide an extra dose of energy in the morning. Preferably hot drinks such as teas or warm water with lemon. They will activate your lymphatic system, hydrating your body and activating the digestive fire.

Having completed the morning routine, prepare for breakfast, one of the most important meals of the day.

Heated or softened foods are best — and avoid foods high in fats and sugars. Finally, Ayurveda recommends that you have a mindful breakfast, a time of Balance and Mindful Eating, focusing on this time.

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