10 steps to Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


Prefer natural or minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes or fish.

Is uses oils, fats, salt and sugar in small amounts. The less the better.

Limit processed foods.

Never consume ultra-processed products.

Eat regularly and carefully, in appropriate environments, and in company. Eating is also union is an act of love and pleasure.

Shop at places that offer a variety of fresh or minimally processed foods.

Develop, exercise and share cooking skills. Learn to cook, cooking is also a form of meditation, did you know?

Plan your time to give food the space it deserves.

Choose places that serve meals made with fresh and local ingredients.

Be critical with nutrition facts and marketing advertising.

Did you write it all down? Now, reflect, and read it again. Print, distribute, like, comment and share!

The more people discover the importance of a mindful and balanced diet, the more people discover the secret to a healthy life.

Do you already practice any of these tips? Tell me! and if you just practice a few or maybe none of these I can help you to make it even simpler! Book your appointment now.

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