Should we begin a more balanced and conscientious diet?

Jennifer Silvestre


When I created Start, I thought about how people need to get to know a new moment in life in relation to their diet.

By signing the Start of Balance and Mindful Eating, you start a journey of self-knowledge and learning in search of balance for the body, and for the soul.

It all starts with the Doshas Test, which will discover your currently imbalance, which ayurveda calls vikriti.

With the test answered, and with the images of your Monitoring Positions, and your Body measurements, Weight and Height, you will be given the start for a new transformation of your life.

The online service section is 30 minutes long, and we will have an honest conversation about your goals, and you will have your macronutrients distribution according to your Vikriti along with your caloric intake tag where you can start your knowledge process and journey through on its own with just a little push from me. Isn't it wonderful? Check this out.

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