Discover Your Imbalance Through the Doshas Test

Jennifer Silvestre


For ayurveda, the universe is formed by five elements called panchamaha-bhutas: the dosha vata (composed of air and space); the pitta dosha (composed of water and fire); and the kapha dosha (composed of earth and water).

The doshas are biological humors active in physiology and psychophysics: body and mind, interconnected with the environment, forming metaphysics.

To restore physical and psychic balance, the body needs to be in movement , and food needs to be in balance with the dosha, establishing herbal and nutritional routines.

How to discover your dosha?

Only from a Doshas Test is it possible to discover your vikriti (your imbalance). By answering questions about how you currently feel, in a state of present self-knowledge, I will be able to discover your vikriti. The test lasts from 30 to 40 minutes, and is carried out on my website.

What will be your dosha? Vata, Pitta or kapha? Air and space, water and fire or earth and water? Let's find out?

Go to Doshas Test and answer the questions.

Do you believe that the definition of the dosha can help define the best food for your body goals.

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