Know your Dosha can help you to achieve Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


For Ayurveda, the universe is made up of three elements: Vata; Pitta and Kapha. The elements (doshas) are biological humors active in physiology, and in psychophysics, meaning the body and mind interconnected with the environment, forming metaphysics.

Vata: air and space!

Those who have the Vata element, have long-line features, an accelerated metabolism, and the tendency to lose weight. They are creative and sensitive people, who transit through the world of thoughts. Its sensitive organs are the intestine and nervous system.

Kapha: land and water!

Those who possess the Kapha element have a larger structure, a slower metabolism, and denser bones. Mentally, he is patient, effective, calm and affectionate. Your sensitive organs are your stomach and lungs.

Pitta: fire and water!

Who has the Pitta element, has average characteristics, a responsive metabolism (gains and loses weight with ease), and a greater development of the muscles. Pitta people are intense, rational, and courageous. Your sensitive organs are the liver and circulatory system.

What will be the god Dosha? Vata, Pitta or Kapha? Let's find out?


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