Let's Get to Know the Relationship between nutrition and Ayurveda?

Jennifer Silvestre


Nutrition studies the properties of food and its relationship to the health of the human body, connecting the nature of food to the nutritional balance necessary for health and well-being (for body and mind).

Holistic medicine, understands living organisms as part of the environment, seeking healing through physical, psychological and social aspects.

Each treatment must take into account the unique needs of each individual, seeking to understand its effects on the body, mind and social environments, emphasizing care for the body itself through proper nutrition and/or physical exercise.

For ayurveda, the universe is formed by five elements called panchamaha-bhutas: the dosha vata (composed of air and space); the pitta dosha (composed of water and fire); and the kapha dosha (composed of earth and water). The doshas are biological humors active in physiology and psychophysics: body and mind, interconnected with the environment, forming metaphysics.

To restore physical and psychic balance, the body needs to be in motion, and food needs to be in balance with the dosha, establishing herbal and nutritional routines.

I believe that we nourish our body not only with nutrients, but also with the combination of the benefits of modern science and holistic therapy that we add to each meal, providing Balance and Mindful Eating.

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