Create a week Meal Planning in 6 Steps

Jennifer Silvestre


First, determine how many meals you will make, and how often you will cook them.

Then decide what to cook: what kind of carbohydrate, protein, vegetable, salad…

Afterwards, think about snacks too. Healthy Snacks are the key to success.

Now create a groceries list! You can save a lot, especially if you opt for seasonal fruits and vegetables.

And to be honest for me go the groceries is the most fun part.

Not over yet! — we have one last step: cooking! It's time to make the week's meals including snacks and fruits.

Sundays are usually the day that I took to make my Weekly Planner of Balance and Mindful Eating. Having a weekly schedule is the key!

If you have a nutritionist guiding your planning, you will know exactly what has to be done. If you don't have it, follow the steps I mentioned, or buy one of the Balance and Mindful Eating plans. The more you organize yourself about your food, the more time you have during the week. Wouldn't that be great?

Have you ever done a Meal Planning? Would you like to hear about yours.

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