Eating is an act of life, and an act of love

Jennifer Silvestre


With the exception of breathing and sleeping, we spend more time eating food than doing any other essential life activity — and that says a lot about how we should relate to food.

When we are eating with other people, our body releases oxytocin, the “love hormone”, which stimulates connection between people, generating memories related to food.

So whenever we are with the people we love, we will share food and memories while creating new memories, which now have smell, taste and meaning. We nourish our bodies, and we nourish ourselves as a family and a tribe, while nourishing our relationships, and our lives.

I am passionate about nutrition, and food. I am passionate about balance, and life. I'm passionate about my family, and all the moments we had together at the table, or anywhere else we ate together, creating unforgettable memories.

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