Heathy routine based on ayurveda is possible

Jennifer Silvestre


A balanced diet will reflect on the health of the body and mind, favoring correct digestion. We are what we digest, and when the digestive fire is low, the reason can be poor diet and bad habits.

For a healthy and balanced diet, read my content every week, and for better habits, follow the ayurveda principles.

First, wake up early. According to ayurveda, the ideal is to wake up before the sun rises, in brahmamuhurtha, which concentrates a magical and special energy.

Enjoy that you woke up early and give thanks and contemplate. Give thanks for having health, friends and a family. Make this moment a habit.

bowel movements in the morning is also essential for the balance of our body, and intestinal flora.

Wash your face, brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. Residues and toxins need to be eliminated from the tongue early on.

Activate digestive agni with half a glass of warm water and half a lemon first thing in the morning or a tea. Agni is the digestive tract, and lemon helps balance it.

Self-massage is also a habit that will relax your muscles and reduce muscle tensions to start the day on the right foot.

Last but not least, meditate (if only for 5-10 minutes) and enter a state of relaxation, focusing your attention on your inner peace.

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