Learn about ayurveda principles for a balanced life

Jennifer Silvestre


We live in a fast-paced, caffeinated world that imposes a routine of daily tasks that can only be accomplished if we consume caffeine or stimulants. At high speed we cannot see life, which passes before our eyes.

Have you considered using behavioral and holistic methods to help you increase your energy levels throughout the day? Check it out!

Wash your face or drink a glass of ice water. Water has the power to relax, and also to wake up: just drink it cold. Drinking ice water can boost your energy levels instantly.

Listen to an invigorating soundtrack! Music has the power to boost your energy levels, making your day more productive.

Move yourself! We were made to be on the move. When you sit still for too long, your circulation, heart rate, and metabolism all slow down. If you've been sitting for more than two hours, take a ten-minute break. Get up! Trust me, you will be more productive later.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, think of a positive and happy moment and feel your energy rising up (for me happy moments near by the ocean are the best!) Try it!

Disconnect from technology. A walk outside can activate new brain connections, relaxing your brain and connecting you with the here and now.

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