Weight loss with health requires Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


Losing weight requires Balance and Mindful Eating, and it's not exchanging dinner for a snack that you will reach your goal weight.

Let's get to know the biggest weight loss myths.

One of the biggest legends about weight loss is our first myth: swapping dinner for snack. That's right, it doesn't work!! Regardless of what snack you decide to eat, if it is not in balance with your Nutritional Plan and Food Guidance Based on Dosha, the chances of a lasting result will be minimal.

Beware of teas and their excess. I love teas, and some have magnificent effects: they help reduce cholesterol, are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, help reduce body fat and decrease body weight, among other benefits. However, if the consumption of teas is not aligned with an adequate diet, and an adequate Nutritional Plan, the results will not come, and excesses can occur. Caution.

Crazy diets are not the solution! I believe in the process of food awareness and not in restrictive diets, which lead to a mindset of restriction and deprivation for a certain period, without long-term effectiveness. An anti-inflammatory diet, which provides to our body what it really needs in nourishment, is the best way to achieve vitality, and to reach balance and mindful eating.

Do you need help finding balance and mindful eating and stop suffering to lose weight? Book your appointment.

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