Discover 3 powerful foods to detoxify your liver

Jennifer Silvestre


Some foods combined with my hepatic detox protocol, can enhance the detox and hepatic effect, benefiting the patient even more. Today we are going to know 3 of these wonderful foods that are not usually popularly known for these benefits.

I present to you ginger, beetroot and turmeric.

An ingredient always present in teas and juices, ginger accelerates metabolism, as according to ayurveda it is able to activate the digestive fire and also collaborates in the metabolism of toxins, reducing the harmful effects on the liver.

Beetroot, in turn, is rich in betalain, a substance responsible for liver cell repair and regeneration.

Last but not least, turmeric is an ingredient cited by Ayurvedic medicine as ideal for treating inflammation, including the liver.

It's not over yet: don't forget the water. Water helps a lot in detoxifying the body. Enjoy the treatment and always take care of your body by consuming 35 ml for every kilo weight daily.

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