Do you feel hungry all the time? Do you have reflux? Do you get angry when you don't eat?

Jennifer Silvestre


According to Ayurveda, your Agni may be out of balance.

For Ayurveda, we are what we digest, and when the digestion of nutrients is impaired, we begin to form Ama, which traditional nutrition calls a toxin. Imbalance of Ama causes a low and weak metabolism, or excessive Agni.

A balanced Agni is called Sama, an irregular Agni is called Vishama, a weak one is called Manda, and an excessive one is called Tikshna.

If you forget to eat or feel hungry at unexpected times, chances are you have a Vishama Agni.

If you feel intense hunger, have heartburn or burning in your stomach, or get irritated if you don't eat, you can have a Tikshna Agni.

If you are always in the mood for food, or feel sleepy and lethargic after eating, your Agni is Manda.

Discovering your Dosha is the first step in defining your Agni and starting to transform your relationship with food.

Take your dosha test here (or my lovely portuguese speakers).

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