How fruits and vegetables can maintain your weight longer than restrictive diets

Jennifer Silvestre


Unfortunately, most people I know, and a large proportion of most first-time patients do not consume the right number of fruits and vegetables daily.

We nourish our body with micronutrients and vitamins, and fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and nutrients to our body.

Minimally processed foods are also indicated to maintain a heathy weight and Heathy Mind.

The higher the level of processing of a food, the worse it is for our body, and the lower the vital energy that nourishes our body as well as our thoughts. Ultra-processed foods contain high levels of fat, refined sugar and low levels of nutrients, causing hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular problems if consumed regularly.

To maintain your tag weight, increase your intake of vegetables and grains, which are low-calorie foods and a source of minerals, fibers and other bioactive compounds, essential for health. Consume in quantity and variety, respecting the seasonality of the food (eat by season)

Fruits and vegetables are cheaper and healthier than any ultra-processed foods, which can trick us with fake heathy labels

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