Let's learn about some liver-friendly vegetables and fruits?

Jennifer Silvestre


Consuming fiber daily is essential to lower cholesterol levels in the body. It is recommended from 35 to 50 grams of fiber every day, very important to point out that it must come from a natural fiber source and not from industrialized foods.

Hight fiber food prevent the absorption of cholesterol, allowing the liver not to be overworked.

Fiber also increases bile secretion, improving fat digestion and preventing future liver disease.

Let's get to know some foods rich in fiber?

The best known are oats, beans, lentils and peas, whole grains. Dark green leafy vegetables including kale, beets and spinach should also be eaten. Finally, the family of oilseeds such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts complete the most well-known indications because in addition to offering high fiber content, they have significant amounts of good fats. Remembering that to achieve the maximum benefit of this class of food you must consume it in its raw form.

And the fruits? Did you know that fruits also have fiber that helps your liver? Pears, apples, plums and peaches are some examples.

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