The low-carb diet may not be the balance you need

Jennifer Silvestre


A balanced and conscious diet provides health for the body and soul, transforming your relationship with food in the long term, nourishing your body and satisfying the daily needs of our organism.

Diets that promise to reduce weight quickly and without sacrifices tend to go in the opposite direction of the balance necessary for healthy eating and always have the famous accordion effect as a consequence.

By drastically reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and without proper nutritional monitoring, your body will lose one of its main sources of energy, and the first source of energy for the muscles.

Carbohydrates in adequate amounts do not cause an increase in body fat, and can result in the habit of consuming protein in high amounts, overloading the kidneys. It is clear that each one has specific needs and that sometimes the low consumption of this macronutrient can bring some benefits, especially for those who have a Kapha inbalancing, but exclusion is never the solution.

Recent research proves that 75% of people who adopted high fat and high protein diets returned to the previous weight

I base myself on the expression “less meat, more nutrients” (less animal proteins, more nutrients), where I focus on a more pure, natural and anti-inflammatory diet, providing our body with what it really needs in nutrition to have vitality, energy and full health.

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