When you are bored, sad or anxious, do you eat or do you exercise? If You eat you may have emotional eating!

Jennifer Silvestre


When we are bored, sad or anxious, we eat. We always eat, even when we are not really hungry (physiological).

Our bodies need energy and nutrients, and hunger is a warning to meet those needs. Nutritional or energy needs are met with foods rich in vitamins and energy, such as fruits, vegetables or carbohydrates. With the increasing availability of processed and ultra-processed products, rich only in fat and sugar, our habits have changed, and nutritious foods have become uncomfortable or expensive.

Isn't it time we changed the habit of satisfying our emotional hunger? How? Come with me!

Is bored? Read a book or have a hobby. Photograph, draw, paint, do something you've never done. Avoid eating when you are bored.

Is sad? Call a friend or loved one. You may be surprised at the outcome of a call to a friend or loved one.

You are stressed? Play sports or take a walk outside, close to nature. A little fresh air will restore your strength.

We know that changing habits is difficult. Start with one habit at a time. Replace snack, snack and sweetie for sport, a hobby or a visit to your best friend. Your body and mind will thank you and come into balance.

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