Are Follow-Up Positions and Body Measurements necessary?

Jennifer Silvestre


Consciousness in Food requires a series of initial procedures, called Preparation.

When you sign a plan, you are starting a journey of self-knowledge and learning in search of Balance and Mindful Eating.

Your first step is the Dosha Test, which will find out what your Vikriti is. Once we find your Vikriti, your measurements will be needed, as well as photos in specific positions.

The Monitoring Positions are photos from the front, from the back and from the side, so we can follow the before, the process and the after, which is actually never an after because we are organic and we are always transforming. Along with the photos, the Accompanying Measure Locations will be required.

These measurements are for the arm, neck, breasts, waist, abdomen, hip, thigh and calf.

Finally, we will ask for your weight and height. You will need a tape measure and a scale.

By following the Preparation, your diagnosis will be accurate. Remembering that all these procedures will be necessary for consultations that take place online.

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