Discover the Dosha-based Food Guide

Jennifer Silvestre


A food guide is essential to understand what is needed for your food health.

The Dosha-Based Food Guide is entirely based on your Dosha Test Vikriti, and has guidelines developed for a balanced diet in your Dosha.

For Ayurveda, the universe is made up of three elements: Vata; Pitta and Kapha.

Those who have the Vata element have an accelerated metabolism, and the tendency to lose weight and difficulty gaining lean muscle mass. Your sensitive organs are the gut and nervous system, and your Food Guide will be based on your metabolism, and the recommended foods will benefit your sensitive organs as well as containing dense, grounding foods to balance the elements of air and space.

Carriers of the Kapha element have a slow metabolism, slow digestion, a lot of water retention and gain weight easily. Your sensitive organs are your stomach and lungs, and your Food Guide will help you balance your Dosha and preserve your sensitive organs, as well as containing foods that will provide lightness and improve digestion.

Pitta, meanwhile, has a responsive metabolism, gaining and losing weight with ease. Their sensitive organs are the liver and circulatory system, and your Food Guide will allow them to achieve the balance needed for a healthy life with more raw and fresh food.

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