Discover the Meal Plan based on the Balance and Mindful Eating method

Jennifer Silvestre


Based on the Balance and Mindful Eating method, the Meal Plan will define the foods that will be ingested, the best times for meals, how to activate your digestive fire, and the amount of food in each meal.

Each patient has an ideal and individualized Meal Plan for each moment of the Balance and Mindful Eating process.

Exclusive to Seven Weeks, the last three weeks tracking will define the ideal Meal Plan for the last three weeks of Seven Weeks.

Still in Seven Weeks, the first three weeks will be defined by the Meal Plan Start of the first three weeks, where the reintroduction of a new food routine takes place after the detox.

In the Four Weeks Follow Up, the Individualized New Meal Plan will be based on your Dosha, and will enter the elements, times and amounts based on the results of the Four or Seven Weeks program.

Achieving Mindful Eating will only depend on you and your dedication to following the Meal Plan.

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