Discover the Seven Weeks of Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


Based on the Balance and mindful eating Method by Holistic Eating through Ayurveda, Seven Weeks will restore your body's balance, cleanse toxins and introduce a new eating routine with awareness and according to your reality.

Your first step is the Doshas Test, which will discover your Vikriti (state of relative health or imbalance).

Once we discover your Vikriti, submit your Tracking Positions (If you decided to do your program online). With these images, we will have a parameter to compare to the end of Start.

Along with the photos, send the Body measurements, Weight and Height, if the program is carried out online. You will need a tape measure and a scale at home.

The Seven Weeks of Balance and Mindful Eating requires the Bioimpedance Procedure for personal care in the Houston area.

There will be two 1-hour Sessions, and two 30-minute Sessions, where we will have a conversation about your goals and challenges throughout your process.

Achieving Food Awareness will only depend on you and your dedication to following the detox week, food guides and follow-up plans, which made your Seven Weeks even more delicious and enjoyable.

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