Do you know the Preparation for the Bioimpedance Procedure?

Jennifer Silvestre


The Bioimpedance Procedure consists of a body assessment that estimates body fat, total body water and other important data so that we can assess the patient's nutritional status.

Start Four Weeks of Balance and Mindful Eating, and the Seven Weeks of Balance and Mindful Eating, require the Bioimpedance Procedure if the program is conducted in person in the Houston area.

If you live in the United States, you will find equipment in gyms that can help with the procedure, although Bioimpedance requires some other procedures.

Let's know what is my protocol for your Preparation for the Bioimpedance Procedure?

a) Drink an average of 2 liters of water the day before the exam;

b) Do not consume alcoholic beverages 48 hours before the exam;

c) Fasting (water and food) for 4 hours before the exam;

d) Avoid carrying out the examination during the menstrual period;

e) Do not consume diuretic drinks during the week of the exam;

f) Go to the bathroom at least 20 minutes before the exam;

g) Do not perform physical activities for at least 12 hours before the test.

By following the Preparation, your diagnosis will be accurate, and we will know where to start, and the best path from the results.

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