Everything you have to know before your appointment

Jennifer Silvestre


The first step is the Doshas Test. By answering questions about how you currently feel, I will be able to discover your vikriti (your imbalance). The test lasts from 30 to 40 minutes and is carried out online, on my website.

Go to Doshas Test, and make yours.

The Monitoring Positions are essential to accompany your development during the Mindful Eating Weeks in all services (from Start to Seven Weeks). You can send the images by WhatsApp or Telegram, and they are mandatory for online consultations.

Submitting your weight, height and body measurements is also an important step. Have a tape measure and a scale to make it easier. With the tape measure, measure your arm, neck, breasts, waist, belly, hip, thigh and calf. These measures are also essential to monitor its development.

Finally, the Bioimpedance Procedure is required only in face-to-face consultations, and corresponds to a series of procedures that are essential for monitoring the results.

As with the other stages of preparation, the Bioimpedance Procedure is available.

Access and be prepared for your online or face-to-face consultation.

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