Get to know the Four Weeks Follow Up of Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


The Four Weeks Follow Up is intended for those who wish to continue with their body and individual health goals.

As you already know your Vikriti, send only your Tracking Positions pictures. With these pictures we will have a parameter to compare the first program you've done, and the Start follow up. Along with the photos, send the Body Measurements and Weight. You will need a tape measure and a scale if the program is carried out online otherwise, we will do together when we meet in person.

Let's start? The Online and in person counseling lasts around 1 hour and we will have an honest conversation about your results and what will be the next approach and nutritional plan for you.

Achieving Mindful Eating will only depend on you and your dedication to following the new approach based on the results assessment.

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