Get to know the Start Four Weeks Of Balance And Mindful Eating, aimed at new patients

Jennifer Silvestre


The Start Four Weeks Of Balance And Mindful Eating was created for those who are starting and want to achieve their body and well-being goals.

In the same way as the Food Awareness Start, the Four Week Start begins with the Doshas Test, which will discover what your Vikriti is: your biological mood acting on your physiology and psychophysics (body and mind, interconnected with the environment, forming metaphysics).

Once we discover your vikriti, submit your pictures positions. With these images, we will have a parameter to compare to the end of Start. Along with the photos, send the body measures, weight and height. You will need a tape measure and a scale.

Let's start? The Online Service section is 30 minutes long, and we will have an honest conversation about your goals.

Achieving Mindful Eating will only depend on you and your dedication to following the Biotype Priority Food Routine Guidance and the Macronutrient and Total Calorie Distribution Guide.

Are you ready for this alternative, transformative and efficient time in your life? Come with me!

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and be ready for this alternative, efficient and transforming moment in your life

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