Get to know the Start of Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


The Start program was created for those who already have some knowledge about nutrition and want to achieve their bodily and well-being goals on their own and with just a little push from me to give you the right direction.

When you subscribe to the Start of Balance and Mindful Eating, you are starting a journey of self-knowledge and learning to achieve Balance and Minful eating.

Your first step is the Dosha Test, which will discover your Vikriti (state of relative health or imbalance).

Once we discover your Vikriti, submit your Tracking Positions. With these images, we will have a parameter to compare to the end of Start. Along with the photos, send the Body measurements, Weight and Height, since this program is carried out exclusively online. You will need a tape measure and a scale at home.

Let's start? The Service section is Online and 30 minutes long, and we will have an honest conversation about your goals. In the Start program you will receive a distribution of specific macronutrients for your body type in addition to a daily calorie goal.

Achieving Mindful Eating will only depend on you and your dedication to following Food Routine Guidance and the Macronutrient and Total Calorie Distribution Guide.

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