Find inspiration in the testimonials of people who find Balance and Mindful Eating

Jennifer Silvestre


I notice a great feeling of guilt in patients when I start a service. They blame themselves for not being able to reach the absurd goals of diets based on surreal promises, which trap people in an accordion effect.

“I am adapting to new foods that I love and are also healthy, and I no longer need to feel guilty about eating them.”

Germana blamed herself for the last time on our first session. Since then, she has learned that Balance and Mindful Eating is the answer to her goals.

“No more crazy diets I couldn't keep up! Enough with the crazy desires!”

Enough, enough, a thousand times enough! Your body will thank you, and so will your self-esteem. That's how you think, Germana!

“It's amazing the way she takes care of you. You can see that she really cares and does’t make it only about your body. Now, I feel good: with my body, with my health, with my mind, with myself... Everything. Thank you Jenni, you are amazing.”

How not to love a statement like that? In Germana's every word I saw my purpose coming to fruition. Thank you, Germana.

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