I feel that my purpose is fulfilled when self-esteem returns to my patients

Jennifer Silvestre


When I met Monaliza, I knew she would make it. Monaliza has endometriosis and adenomyosis, chronic and inflammatory diseases. According to Monaliza, “nutrition was the key”.

"We talk a lot! Jenni is sweet, and she will explain and show you that food is your energy back, your skin better, your self-esteem smiling at you.”

Testimonials like this make me emotional and fulfilled. I feel that my purpose is fulfilled when self-esteem returns and I see new smiles.

“When I saw my photos from the first section, I couldn't believe it. I cried a lot when I realized the change! I was sad and proud.”

I'm also very proud of you, Monaliza. You are awesome.

“You learn to know yourself as you eat and drink. You need to meet Jenni. She is great! She is a Nutrition Fairy!”

I never imagined myself as a fairy, but I always imagined that I could bring a little “magic” to everyone. Thank you, Monaliza.


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