“My progress was beyond my expectations, and you pushed me to reach and achieve goals. Thanks!"

Jennifer Silvestre


Following Dalva's progress was a pleasure, and noticing the changes in her health and self-esteem was the realization of all the effort she made.

“Jeniffer, you can really change people's lives. I am the proof. Your nutritional guidelines changed my life.”

We change together, we always change, Dalva. When I am in contact with my patients, I feel connected to a greater purpose. I feel compelled to take the same journey, even if it is thousands of miles away.

“I learned from you that health starts with food, and that taking care of our food is a gesture of immense love and care.”

Yea! I believe that we nourish our bodies not only with macro and micronutrients, but also with the combination of the benefits of modern science and holistic therapy that we add to every meal.

“My progress was beyond my expectations, and you pushed me to reach and achieve goals. Thanks!"

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